Principal Investigator


Hugh Medal

Assistant Professor
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Hugh Medal CV | Hugh Medal CV two page
Email: | Phone: 865.974.7647 | Office hours: schedule a meeting with me

Dr. Hugh Medal is an assistant professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at University of Tennessee. His research and teaching interests are in mathematical programming, with an emphasis on stochastic programming and bilevel programming. He has published articles on these topics in journals such as the Naval Research LogisticsIIE Transactions, and Networks.

His 2016 article titled “Allocating protection resources to facilities when the effect of protection is uncertain” was featured in the Research Highlights section of IISE Magazine. His research has been funded by agencies such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Joint Fire Science Program, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. He has been a member of INFORMS since 2005.

Graduate Students

PhD Candidate
Ph.D. Candidate, Industrial Engineering

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate, Computer Science
Undergraduate, Industrial Engineering

Alumni Group Members

Postodoctoral Fellows

Research Associate Engineer

Graduate Students

Ph.D. Candidate, Industrial Engineering
Ph.D. Candidate, Industrial Engineering
Graduate Student, Industrial Engineering
Undergraduate, Industrial Engineering
Ph.D. Candidate, Industrial Engineering
Undergraduate, Industrial Engineering
Ph.D. Candidate, Industrial Engineering
Undergraduate, Industrial Engineering
Undergraduate, Industrial Engineering

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate, Industrial Engineering