Using high-performance computing to simulate the vulnerability of wireless communication networks to jamming attacks

Agency: Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S. Army)
Researcher: Medal, H.R. (PI)
Amount: $106,310

The main goal of this research is to design new algorithms for use on HPC clusters that will enable stakeholders to rapidly and accurately simulate the effect that jamming attacks will have on the performance of a given wireless network design. This goal will be pursued through the following two objectives: 1) design new algorithms for rapidly and accurately computing the throughput of a wireless network under normal conditions (no jamming) and 2) design new algorithms for rapidly and accurately computing the throughput of a wireless network after a jamming attack. These two objectives will contribute to the public good by 1) providing network designers with tools for simulating the throughput of a hypothetical wireless network design and 2) providing designers with tools for simulating the security of a hypothetical design.