Nov 2016
Wireless network jamming subject to protocol interference using directional antennas
From the Undergraduate Research Program, Office of Research and Economic Development, Mississippi State University
Researcher: Medal, H.R.
Amount: $2,000
Mar 2016
Graph Simulation for Large-Scale NetFlow Analysis
Agency: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Researchers: Medal, H.R. (PI), Bian, L., Zhang, S.
Amount: $400,000 ($200,000 Medal share)Jan 2016
WD62 (HPC-based Sensor Analytics) Task 5: Modeling and Simulation of Wireless Sensor Networks
Agency: United States Army Tank Automotive and Armaments Command
Researcher: Medal, H.R. (PI)
Amount: $254,384Abstract: We propose to develop new tools for modeling the performance of sensor networks under a variety of environmental conditions (e.g., dust, sand, etc.). Our tools will model the following performance metrics for a given network: vulnerability, reliability, and power consumption / lifetime. Modeling these metrics will provide engineers with a tool for virtual prototyping that can quickly evaluate the performance of candidate network designs and new technologies. In addition, having models for all of these performance metrics will allow engineers to trade off these metrics when evaluating alternative designs. Our modeling approach will model the sensor network as a directed graph, allowing us to use state-of-the-art graph algorithms to model the routing and scheduling of packets through the network. We will also use geospatial data to represent environmental conditions, which will provide needed fidelity to our model. Our model with include functions for intelligent routing and scheduling, in which packets are routed and scheduled through the network in order to both avoid adverse conditions and maximize throughput.
Sept 2015
Transboundary research in wildfire prevention
From the International Working Groups Program, International Institute, Mississippi State University
Researchers: Grala, R.K, Gordon, J., Medal, H.R.
Amount: $2,500
July 2015
A gap analysis of wildland fire response resources in the United States
Agency: Department of Homeland Security via the National Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE)
Researchers: Medal, H.R. (PI), Gordon, J., Grala, R.K.
Amount: $49,967 ($45,311 Medal share)
Visit the CREATE project page
Abstract: This project is the second component of the FY15 CREATE project entitled “Pyro-terrorism risk assessment and management: A pilot study,” which was given development funding. The goal of this pilot study was to determine if there was evidence that pyro-terrorism is a risk deserving of further study. Thus far, we have found that 1) several pieces of evidence indicate that the likelihood of pyro-terrorism in the United States is non-negligible, and 2) the intentional setting of multiple wildfires simultaneously can have a much larger impact than a single wildfire. Our work also brought us into contact with the research of Randy Wilson at the Mississippi Forestry Commission, which demonstrates that 1) several factors indicate pyro-terrorism is a real possibility, and 2) a coordinated pyro-terrorism attack could overwhelm emergency response resources. Due to the evidence that pyro-terrorism is an important risk, we propose to expand upon our original risk assessment by performing a quantitative gap analysis of fire suppression risk. This gap analysis will help analyze the risk of both pyro-terrorism and conventional wildland fires.
May 2015
Large-Scale graph analytics for cyber network vulnerability analysis
Agency: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (via the Distributed Analytics and Security Institute)
Researchers: Medal, H.R. (PI), Bian, L., Hu, M., Marufuzzaman, M., Zhang, S.
Amount: $600,000
Abstract: The main goal of this project is to develop a new cyber-node classification approach that utilizes both graph theory and probability modeling. We will pursue our project goal via four objectives: 1) develop an ensemble of models for the probability that a node is malicious or compromised and that an edge exists or not; 2) use advanced model selection techniques to recommend the best probability model; 3) develop novel graph analytic methods that can incorporate uncertainty and scale up to solve very large datasets, and 4) develop new approaches for computing graph uncertainty.Paper:
Botnet Detection Using Graph-Based Feature Clustering
Chowdhury, S., Khanzadehdaghalian, M., Akula, R., Zhang, F., S. Zhang, Medal, H., M. Marufuzzaman, and L. Bian. To appear in Journal of Big Data.
Publication Year: 2017
Botnet Detection Using Graph-Based Feature Clustering
Jan 2015
Mississippi transportation infrastructure improvement opportunities
From the Hearin Foundation (through the Mississippi Economic Council)
Researchers: Li, X., Breen, D., French, E., Medal, H.R. (Co-PI)
Amount: $225,000 ($57,500 Medal share)
Abstract: This project aims to identify strategies and policies that will ensure that an adequate level of resources will be available to address the transportation infrastructure funding gap that undermines economic development and job creation in the state of Mississippi. Research activities conducted with funding for this project include:
- Assessment of the current transportation infrastructure performance in the state of Mississippi
- Identification of opportunities to improve the current transportation infrastructure
- Study and development of new funding mechanisms, to include potential public-private ventures
- Synergy between activities funded under this project and ongoing work of Mississippi State University’s National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness
- Comparison and evaluation of alternative state policies for reducing transportation funding gaps and identification of alternative realistic strategies, policies, and funding mechanisms that are required to meet the future revenue demands to fund transportation infrastructure in the state of Mississippi
- Identification of projects that represent opportunities for improvement to the current infrastructure
- Examination and prioritization of projects, innovative strategies, policies, and funding mechanisms linked to cluster-related multimodal investments that focus on the targeted industries identified in Blueprint Mississippi and Mississippi employment centers
Jan 2015
Using high-performance computing to simulate the vulnerability of wireless communication networks to jamming attacks
Agency: Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S. Army)
Researcher: Medal, H.R. (PI)
Amount: $106,310Abstract: The main goal of this research is to design new algorithms for use on HPC clusters that will enable stakeholders to rapidly and accurately simulate the effect that jamming attacks will have on the performance of a given wireless network design. This goal will be pursued through the following two objectives: 1) design new algorithms for rapidly and accurately computing the throughput of a wireless network under normal conditions (no jamming) and 2) design new algorithms for rapidly and accurately computing the throughput of a wireless network after a jamming attack. These two objectives will contribute to the public good by 1) providing network designers with tools for simulating the throughput of a hypothetical wireless network design and 2) providing designers with tools for simulating the security of a hypothetical design.
The wireless network jamming problem subject to protocol interference
Hugh R. Medal. Networks 67(2), 111–125
Publication Year: 2016
[PDF] [Link to Article] Abstract
The wireless network jamming problem subject to protocol interference
July 2014
Pyro-terrorism risk assessment and management: a pilot study
Agency:Department of Homeland Security via the National Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE)
Researchers: Medal, H.R. (PI), Gordon, J., Grala, R.K.
Amount: $24,991 ($24,991 Medal share)
Visit CREATE project page
A maximal covering location-based model for analyzing the vulnerability of landscapes to wildfires: Assessing the worst-case scenario
Eghbal Rashidi, Hugh Medal, Jason Gordon, Robert Grala, Morgan Varner. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 258, Issue 3, Pages 1095–1105
Publication Year: 2017
[PDF] [Link to Article] Abstract
A maximal covering location-based model for analyzing the vulnerability of landscapes to wildfires: Assessing the worst-case scenario
Sept 2013
Benefits and costs of implementing fuel treatments on nonindustrial private forest (NIPF) lands in Mississippi
Benefits and costs of implementing fuel treatments on nonindustrial private forest (NIPF) lands in Mississippi
Agency: Joint Fire Science Program (Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management)
Researchers: Grala, R.K, Varner, J.M., Medal, H.R. (Co-PI), Munn, I.A., Grado, S.C., Cooke III, W.H.
Amount: $218,000 ($46,513 Medal share)Sept 2013
Mitigating the effects of wildfires by efficiently allocating fuels treatment resources
From the Cross-College Collaboration Program, Office of Research and Economic Development, Mississippi State University
Researchers: Medal, H.R., Grala, R.K, Varner, J.M., Gordon, J., Cooke III, W.H.
Amount: $4,000
Sept 2013
Transportation working group
From the Bagley College of Engineering, Mississippi State University
Researchers: Medal, H.R., Li, X.
Amount: $2,000
Sept 2013
Cybersecurity threat management optimization
From the Cross-College Collaboration Program, Office of Research and Economic Development, Mississippi State University
Researchers: Warkentin, M., Medal, H.R.
Amount: $2,000
Aug 2013
Optimizing the mobility and safety of walk-and-ride systems
Agency: National Center for Intermodal Transportation and Economic Competitiveness (funded by US Department of Transportation)Researchers: Medal, H.R. (PI) and Li, X.
Amount: $99,954 ($55,036 Medal share) with $102,988 cost share from Mississippi State University
Abstract: In the project, we investigate the effect of traffic calming measures, such as crosswalks and sidewalks on the overall cost and safety of a multimodal transportation network system design. Our design problem includes auto, transit, and walking as modes of transportation. We propose a new method for multimodal user equilibrium (UE) traffic assignment with network reconstruction, which allows for mode switching. We propose a bi- level mathematical programming model that integrates multimodal user equilibrium traffic assignment in the lower level and the network design in the upper level. The model tries to optimally implement and locate sidewalks and crosswalks considering limited financial resources to provide city planners with a comprehensive tool for planning. Due to the complexity of the problem, it requires a large amount of computational resources and therefore cannot be solved efficiently for large scale problems using state of the art solvers; hence we develop a greedy heuristic and a simulated annealing algorithm to solve large problems. The algorithms use a nonlinear complimentary algorithm to solve the UE traffic assignment. The computational results show that implementing sidewalks and crosswalks both reduces the overall transportation cost and improves pedestrians’ safety.Paper: MISSING PAPER